Room 4 - Roger Federer
Roger Federer, or “Rodger” as it is commonly called, is a figure that everyone
knows. She's someone I probably admire a little too much, but how could I not?
Mastering a sport that I don't practice myself, he manages to make me excited about this sport again
since Yannick Noah's victory at Roland Garros, 40 years ago. I sometimes wonder if they
know these two phenomena. A match between them would undoubtedly have been a real
spectacle, although Federer would probably have crushed the game.
RF embodies charisma, sportiness, elegance, and his track record is simply exceptional.
I had the chance to meet him in Montreux with my nephews. At that time he was looking
to enjoy his peace with his family and refused any photos. However, when he saw the eyes
brilliant of my nephews, he kindly agreed to pose for a photo before disappearing
In his car. An unforgettable moment, and a big thank you to him.